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The date is set, Sunday March 10 2019. The committee are in full swing organising the event! Please join us for the 2019 City2Lake, all funds raised will be for Can Assist Griffith.

Can Assist Griffith’s mission is to assist country families affected by cancer. Providing accommodation, travel aid and practical support while building community based volunteer networks and raising awareness of inequalities facing country people. We believe that every country community, family and individual should have equitable access to cancer care and support services. Last year many Griffith Families were financially assisted and approximately $160,000 was utilized to cover various costs required by these caner affected families and individuals. Community support is crucial for Griffith Can Assist to remain viable and continue. Unlike some other cancer fundraisers, ALL FUNDS RAISED are strictly utilized for local cancer patients and all money remains in Griffith. We'd love to see YOU at the 2019 City2Lake! Please help us reach our goal of $80,000 for the 2019 City to Lake..

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